Regents of Hanover
The Hanoverian state was created 1692 when duke Ernst August of Braunschweig-Lüneburg-Kalenberg was elevated to elector, whereby his duchy
changed its name to Hanover (Which was the name of his capital). The duchy
B-L-Kalenberg was a secundogenitur to House of Welf , which ruled Braunschweig-Lüneburg. That meant that the younger members of the dynasty
ruled B-L-Kalenberg while the main line ruled Braunschweig-Lüneburg-Celle.
These two duchies were often called the Lüneburg duchies. But Ernst August
had 1682 introduced primogenitur within his branch of the dynasty, so Braunschweig-Lüneburg-Celle was permanently united with Hanover when his son
inherited that duchy 1705.
Hanover was conquered by France during the Napoleonic Wars but restored
as a kingdom at congress of Vienna 1814. Half a century later Hanover lost
its independence permanently when Prussia conquered it.
Hanover was conquered by Prussia 1866
Hanover was originally a part of the Brunswick lands and has thereby
a continuity that goes back to 1127. To read the lists of the predecessors to the
electors of Hanover click on this page. |