Swedish Cavalry Standards

Nyland Cavalry Regiment's m/1686 standards
A typical Swedish cavalry
regiment consisted of 1 000 men distributed on eight companies. Just like
the infantry each cavalry company had their own standard with a pattern
that was the same for the entire regiment, except for the colonel's company
which had a white colonel's standard with the Swedish coat of arms in the
middle and the regimental symbol in the upper inner corner. The pattern of
the standards and been established in a regulation from 1686 and any standard
made in accordance of this is called m/1686. According to this the
company standards were to have the regimental symbol (the coat of arms of
the province in which they were recruited) as the motif on one side and the
Royal cypher on the other side. Because cavalry standards were more durable
than infantry colours most cavalry regiments retained older standards than
m/1686 all the way through the battle of Poltava. The older standards
differs from m/1686 by having the regimental symbol inside a laurel wreath
and numbers in the corners (showing the year the standards was made).
I have made the following standards sheets for my own miniature figures
and they are free to be used by everyone.

m/1686 Colonel's standard

Livregementet till häst,
Vadsbo Company

Livregementet till häst
Södermanland Company
(1710-1718) |

(1710-) |


(1684-1709) |

1710-1712 |

(1712-1731) |


(1674-1703, 1713-1723) |

(1703-1713) |

Bohuslän Dragoons
(1670-1719) |


(1674-?) |

(1677-1709) |

(1710-1734) |

(1718-) |

Södra Skånska
(1691-1709) |

Södra Skånska

Norra Skånska
(1710-1729) |

Åbo & Björneborg
(1683-1709) |

(1676-1709) |

(m/1686 which was never issued) |

(1720-1721) |
Note that the proportions
of the motifs in most cases follow the 1687-88 model drawings of m/1686
by Olof Hoffman. The artistic design of the real standards
could be very different from these. Compare for example the following
standard sheets, which apart from Hoffmans model drawing is based on real
standards made for Småland Cavalry Regiment (unfortuneatly none of the
Småland standards made by Ziegler and Schatzberger have been preserved
so a different standards by them have been used as a theme)

Based on the standards Georg Ulrich made in 1674 |

Based on the (Östgöta-) standards Michael Ziegler and Daniel Schatzberger made in 1676. |

Based on Olof Hoffmans
model drawings from 1687-88 |

Based on the standards Johan Wikman painted in 1710 |

Based on the standards Tobias Leij the elder made in 1734
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