Armies Battles and Sieges Colours and Standards
















Örjan Martinsson

Information about Russian uniforms for the first half of the Great Northern War is unfortunately in short supply since the Russian army lost their archives during their failed campaign against the Turks at Prut in 1711. In addition to that most Russian regiments did not have stable uniform colours during this period and they frequently changed colours each time they received new uniforms. All this means that any attempt to illustrate Russian uniforms in the battles of the Great Northern War will inevitable be more or less speculative. This is also true for the images on this page which should be viewed as qualified guesses on how the uniforms looked like in the battle of Poltava (and in some cases also their Eastern uniforms in the battle of Narva).

For a long time there was no good literature available on this subject since for example the Osprey books covering Peter the Great's army by Angus Konstam (1993-94) got its information from A. V. Viskovatov's Russian-language work from the 19th century, which has proven to be a very unreliable source. Thorough archive research resulted however in a Russian-language book on the Russian army 1700-1730 by K. V. Tatarnikov in 2008 and its uniform data is since 2018 available in English in the book "The Russian Army in the Great Northern War 1700-21" by Boris Megorsky. It is the latter book that is my main source to my pages on Russian uniforms. But alongside Megorsky's information I have also included information from Lars-Eric Höglund and Alexander Bespalov's book  "Stora nordiska kriget 1700-1721, III" from 2004. In those cases Höglund/Bespalov have uniform data that is not mentioned by Megorsky it usually means they got it from Viskovatov which, as previously stated, is not a reliable source. But for anyone who wants to paint miniature figures, unreliable information is still better than no information at all.

Guard Regiments   Grenadier Regiments
1 Preobrazhenski 1 Repnin 3 Enzberg 5 Baryatinski
2 Semenovski 2 Weide 4 Hallart    
  Line Regiments with Provincial Names   Line Regiments with only Colonels Names
1 Arkhangelgorodski 23 Permski 45 Scharf - Tolbuchin 64 Crow - Biltz
2 Astrakhanski 24 Pskovski 46 Jankovski - Gurick - Ostrovski 65 von Bukovin - Livingston
3 Azovski 25 Rostovski 47 Apraxin - Schachovski - Kulikov 66 Romanovski
4 Belgorodski 26 Ryazanski 48 Zei - Kreik - Busch 67


5 Belozerski 27 S:t Petersburgski 49 Gulitz - Voznitsyn 68 Nelidov
6 Butyrski 28 Schlüsselburgski 50 Kar - Balabanov - Polochianov 69 Goltz
7 Chernigovski 29 Sibirski 51 Tirtov - Gundertmark 70 Duke of Holstein-Plön
8 Galitski 30 Simbirski 52 Bulgakov - K. Nekludov 71 von Delden - Hallart
9 Ingermanlandski 31 Smolenski 53 Cunningham 72 Belikov
10 Ivangorodski 32 Suzdalski (Rentzel) 54 Krivtsov 73 Kro
11 Kargopolski 33 Tobolski 55 Loshakov among others 74 Polentz
12 Kazanski 34 Troitski 56 M. Nekludov - Neelov 75 Sytin
13 Kievski 35 Tverski 57 Karr - Hamilton - Biltz 76 von Patkul
14 Koporski 36 Ustyuzhski 58 Zaborovski among others 77 Buturlin
15 Lefortski 37 Velikolutski 59 Schnewenz 78 Dedyt
16 Moskovski 38 Viborgski 60 Sotovski    
17 Narvski 39 Vladimirski 61 Fraser   Streltsy
18 Nevski 40 Vologodski 62 Schmidt * Danilov
19 Nizhegorodski 41 Voronezhski 63 Zotov * Kahovski
20 Novgorodski 42 Vyatski        
21 Olonetski 43 Yamburgski        
22 Pereyaslavski 44 Yaroslavski  





Russian Uniforms in General

In the beginning of the Great Northern War the Russian army still used Eastern style uniforms and it was not until December 1702 the first Western style uniforms began to be issued. Because coats were only replaced about every third year, it was not until 1705 when Western uniforms had fully replaced the older uniforms. During the transition period regiments could be seen wearing a mix of Eastern and Western equipment such as a Western coat but a cap trimmed with bearskin and older boots.

The earliest Western coats may have had double rows of buttons (similar to Danish coats) but in 1708 the Preobrazhenski Guard was to be issued coats with a single row of buttons and the rest of the army followed their example. Although as late as 1711 there were still several regiments with double breasted coats. The buttons on the early coats were covered with cloth but it then became standard that the infantry was to have pewter buttons while grenadiers and dragoons were to have brass buttons.

Initially the coats did not have a collar at all or a standing collar in the same colour as the coat. A falling collar was introduced for the artillery 1704, for dragoons 1706 and for the Guard in 1712.

There was a considerable variation in colours but from 1708 it was decided that green was the preferred colour on an infantry coat. A shortage of cloth with the right colour meant however that the regiments had to settle for whatever was available and the colour could change dramatically each time the regiment was issued new uniforms.

Preobrazhenski Guard

Colonel: Tsar Peter

1700 Dark green Hungarian coat and red boots.
March 1701 Green coat lined with fur, red cap trimmed with sable fur.
Dec. 1702 Dark green French coat with red cuffs, buttons covered with uniform cloth, hat with broad brim trimmed with white lace, grenadier bearskin caps.
1703 Dark green French coat, red cuffs, vest and breeches. Hat with lace. German bombardier caps with wide black trimming.
1706 Hats which by mistake had four corners instead of three. hat lace from rotten coats.
1707 Grenadier caps with fur (bear or beaver) and red top.
1708 Coat with single row of buttons.
1711 Red collar.
1712 Leather grenadier caps with pewter plates.
1720 Dark green coat, red collar and cuffs, green cloak. Officers had all dark green coats with gold lace on collar and cuffs.

According to Boris Megorsky (page 165) the Guard regiments were mounted 1707-1713 and had at that time cavalry equipment (boots instead of shoes) despite the fact that they with just one exception always fought on foot.

According to Höglund/Bespalov the uniform for "1698?" consisted of a red fur brimmed cap, green kaftan with brass buttons, red vest, green breeches and boots. Officers had gold buttons and gold lace on their coats. For the period 1702-1720 they state that the privates had:  hat with yellow lace alternatively green karpus with red lining, green coat with brass buttons and red lining, cuffs vest, breeches and stockings. They also mention that other sources states green vests & breeches sand white stockings instead. Officers had hats with gold lace and coats with gold lace and gold buttons.

Azov campaigns 1695-96, Narva 1700, Nöteborg 1702, Nyenskans 1703, Narva 1704, Lithuania 1704-06, Malatitze 1708, Lesnaya 1708, Oposhnaya 1709, Poltava 1709, Riga 1710, Stettin and Wismar 1712, Tönningen 1713, Copenhagen 1716.

Semenovski Guard

Colonel: M. Golitzin

Dec. 1702 Dark blue or azure coloured French coat with red cuffs, buttons covered with uniform cloth.
1703 Light blue French coat with red cuffs, vest and breeches.
1704 Blue coat. Hat with white lace.
1707 Grenadier caps delivered from Preobrazhenski Guard.
1709 Each coat should have 26 brass buttons. White neckcloth.
1711 Red collar.
1712 Leather grenadier caps with pewter plates.
1720 Dark green coat, blue collar, red cuffs, blue cloak. Officers had all dark green coats with gold lace on collar and cuffs.

According to Boris Megorsky (page 165) the Guard regiments were mounted 1707-1713 and had at that time cavalry equipment (boots instead of shoes) despite the fact that they with just one exception always fought on foot.

According to Höglund/Bespalov the uniform for "1698?" consisted of a red fur brimmed cap,, blue kaftan with pewter buttons, red vest, blue breeches and boots. Officers had silver buttons and silver lace on their coats. For the period 1702-1720 they state that the privates had: hat with yellow lace, blue coat with brass buttons and red lining, cuffs, vest, breeches and stockings. They also mention that other sources states blue vests & breeches and white stockings instead. Officers had hats with gold lace and coats with gold lace and gold buttons.

Azov campaigns 1695-96, Narva 1700, Nöteborg 1702, Nyenskans 1703, Narva 1704, Lithuania 1704-06, Malatitze 1708, Lesnaya 1708, Oposhnaya 1709, Poltava 1709, Riga 1710, Stettin and Wismar 1712, Tönningen 1713, Copenhagen 1716.

Grenadier Regiment

According to Boris Megorsky

According to Höglund/Bespalov
  1708: Tailor
1709: Peter Lacy
1711: Andrey de Brilli
1708: Taylor
1708-25: P. Leslie and P. Baryatinski
1709 Red coat. Caps 1711 Red coat and grenadier cap trimmed with bearskin
1713 Hats for train drivers.
1715 Caps. 1715 Green coat and green cap with red lining.
1716 Blue stockings
1718 Caps with covers. 1717 "With blue livery"

According to Megorsky the regiment was formed in 1708 with the grenadier companies from the regiments in Repnin's infantry division: Butyrski, Belgorodski, Nevski, Nizhegorodski, Pereyaslavski, Tverski, Schlüsselburgski, Yamburgski and Yaroslavski. According to Höglund/Bespalov the grenadier company from Narvski Regiment was also a part of Repnin's Grenadier Regiment. Megorsky also states that Yaroslavski and Butyrski regiments retained their grenadiers until 1711 and 1713 respectively.

Lithuania 1708, Oposhnaya 1709, Poltava 1709, Riga 1710, Prut 1711, Pomerania 1712-14, Finland 1716-17, naval infantry 1718-20.

Weide's Grenadier Regiment

According to Boris Megorsky

According to Höglund/Bespalov
  1708: Yury Bush
1711: Adam Weide

1708: J. Busch
1715: General Weide
1711 Green coat. Caps with covers 1711 Blue cap with red lining and blue coat.
1712 Caps with eagles, red neckcloth, green coat, brass buttons with eagles, red breeches and stockings
1715 Green coat with red cuffs and brass buttons. green breeches, red and blue cloak, red neckcloth, caps with covers (officer caps were embroidered with gold). Two colours.
1716 Caps with covers 1716 Blue cap with red lining. Green coat with red lining, cuffs, vest and breeches. Black neckcloth and blue cloak.
1718 Dark green coats, leather breeches, white stockings, dark green cloak, black neckcloth, caps.
1719 White stockings.
1720 NCOs' gloves made of goat leather.
1721 Dark green coat, breeches made of chamois leather.

According to Megorsky the regiment was formed in 1708 with the grenadier companies from Belozerski, Lefortski, Vyatski, Kievski, Rentzel, Rostovski, Tobolski, Olonetski and Koporski regiments. Höglund//Bespalov mention the same regiments but also includes Ivangorodski.

According to Megorsky "First Grenadier Regiment" was an alternative name for this regiment since it belonged to the First Infantry Division. But Höglund/Bespalov states "Second Grenadier Regiment" as an alternative name.

Holowczyn 1708, Oposhnaya 1709, Poltava 1709, Riga 1710, Prut 1711, Pomerania 1711-1719.

Enzberg's Grenadier Regiment

According to Boris Megorsky

According to Höglund/Bespalov
  1708: von Adonow (?)
1710: Ivan Campenhausen
1708-09: de Bois
1712-25: Kampenhausen
1709 Dark green coat and red breeches. Caps Wore at an unknown time green coat, red vest and light blue cloak.
1711 Dark green coat
1713 Green coat, leather breeches, grey stockings. Hats and caps.
1714 Caps.
1715 Green coat.
1717 Green cloak.
1718 Red coat, leather breeches, green cloak and red neckcloth.

According to Megorsky the regiment was formed in 1708 with the grenadier companies from Velikolutski, Vyatski, Voronezhski, Chernigovski, Ryazanski regiments. Höglund/Bespalov also includes Narvski and Permski. The latter grenadier company was according to Megorsky instead a part of the Second Grenadier Regiment 1709-1711.

According to Höglund/Bespalov this regiment was also called the Fourth Grenadier Regiment in 1712.

Kolkanpää 1708, Oposhnaya 1709, Poltava 1709, Viborg, 1710, Reval 1710, Prut 1711.

Hallart's Grenadier Regiment

According to Boris Megorsky

According to Höglund/Bespalov
  1708: Efim Boeck
1710: Leinrot
1711: Alexander Frazer
1712: Ivan von Mengden
1717: Denis Biels
1708: Bieltz (Bils)
1709: Bock
1711: de Bon
1715: von Mengden
1708 Caps. 1711 Blue coat and cap.

1715 Green coat with red lining and cuffs. Green grenadier cap trimmed with bearskin.

1717 "Red outfit with blue cloaks"

1709 Caps.
1711 Caps. Blue coat
1712 Caps.
1714 Caps.
1717 Caps. Red coat. Blue cloak.

The regiment was formed in 1708 with the grenadier companies from Kazanski, Kargopolski, Moskovski, Novgorodski, Pskovski, Sibirski, Ustyuzhski regiments.

Because the regiment was part of Hallart's division it is also called Hallart's Grenadier Regiment 1708-1716. It was also known as the First Grenadier Regiment in 1721 because it was the oldest of the two grenadier regiments in Finland.

Holowczyn 1708, Oposhnaya 1709, Poltava 1709, Riga 1710, Prut 1711, Pomerania 1712-1713.

Second Grenadier Regiment

According to Boris Megorsky

(Not mentioned by Höglund/Bespalov)

(Angus Konstam refer to it as Baryatinski's Grenadier Regiment)

  1710: Ilya Lutkovsky
1714: Denis Biels
1717: Ivan Baryatinsky
1711 Brass buttons with eagles. Red vest and stockings
1714 Caps.
1716 Green coat, red vest, blue cloak and breeches. NCOs and corporals had coats with gold and silver lace.
1717 Red vest, blue breeches, caps, blue facings
1718 White neckcloth.
1719 White neckcloth
1720 Green coat, red vest, blue breeches and cloaks. Knitted gloves for NCOs. Caps with covers

The regiment was formed in May 1709 with the grenadier companies from Apraxin's, St. Petersburgski, Inglis' (Viborgski) Permski, Troitski and von Fichtenheim's regiments. All regiments were stationed in Saint Petersburg and its surroundings but managed to arrive in time for the battle of Poltava. Immediately afterwards the regiment was disbanded just to be resurrected in January 1710. At that time the grenadier companies came from Arkhangelgorodski, Belozerski, Vladimirski, Smolenski and Chemer's regiments. In 1711 the companies from Permski and Chemer were returned.

This regiment is usually called the Second Grenadier Regiment because it was the younger of the two grenadier regiments stationed in Finland.

(raised 1700 in Kazan through conscription)
  1700: Zachary Krog, 1702: Roman Bruce
1706 Hat.
1708 Green coat with blue
1710 Hat.
1711 Hat.
1712 Hat.
1713 White breeches. One white and seven azure colours
1715 Karpus
1716 Blue coat with blue lining, red cuffs and collar, brass buttons, blue breeches, red cloak with blue lining, blue karpus with green flaps.
1717 White coat, red cloak. Delivered: Blue coat with red lining, cuffs and collar, brass buttons, red vest, blue breeches and red cloak with blue lining.
1718 Blue coat, red vest, blue karpus.
1720 Karpus.
1721 Green vest and red cloak.

Düna 1701, Nöteborg 1702, Nyenskans 1703, garrison in Saint Petersburg 1703-06, Kexholm 1710, Viborg 1710, Pälkäne 1713, naval infantry 1714-15, garrison in Åbo (Turku) 1716-17.

(raised 1700 in Moscow through conscription)

According to Boris Megorsky

According to Höglund/Bespalov
  1700: Alexander Gordon
1704: Mikhail Sheremetev
1700: A. Gordon
1701: J. Scott
1704: N. Ifflandt
1706: M. Sheremetev

1711 Green coat with red lining and cuffs, leather breeches.

1700 Dark green coat.
1708 Red cloak
1711 Green coat, leather breeches.
1715 Leather breeches, hats, grenadier caps. Eight large old white colours including one with eagle, eight green standards with yellow fringe including one with eagle, two large red colours with the text "Za Veru i Khristianstvo", eight green colours including one white with eagle. Delivered in Pomerania: eight green colours including one with eagle, made in Königsberg.
1717 Dark green coat, leather breeches, hats and grenadier caps.
1719 Leather breeches, grenadier caps.
1720 Red cloak.
1721 Hat.

Just like the guard regiments, Astrakhanski retained their grenadiers after the creation of grenadier regiments. Astrakhanski might have had cavalry boots instead of shoes when they became mounted together with the guard regiments 1707-08.

Narva 1700, Nöteborg 1702, Jamburg 1703, Dorpat 1704, Narva 1704, Grodno 1706, Holowczyn 1708, Lesnaya 1708, Oposhnaya 1709, Poltava 1709, Riga 1710, Prut 1711, naval infantry 1713-16.


According to Boris Megorsky

(raised 1700 in Moscow by volunteers)

According to Höglund/Bespalov

(raised in Kazan 1700 through conscription)
  1700: Matvey Treiden
1702: Tikhon Gundertmark
1704: Yury Busch

1700: I. Busch
1704 Blue coat, red vest and breeches, grenadier bearskin caps. 1717 Green coat, red cloak.

Regiment raised in Moscow 1700 by volunteers:

1700: M. Treiden
1701: T. Gundertmark

Unknown uniform

1707 Grenadier caps of red cloth embroidered with silk.
1709 Karpus.
1710 Brass buttons.
1713 Karpus.
1715 Karpus.
1717 Green coat, red cloak.
1718 Karpus.
1720 Knitted gloves for NCOs.

According to Megorsky the regiment that would become Azovski was in 1702 split in two. Höglund/Bespalov records this predecessor as a separate regiment which was disbanded 1703 and had its men redistributed to two new regiments commanded by Gundertmark (Schlüsselburgski) and Busch.

Azovski Regiment retained their grenadiers until 1711.

Höglund/Bespalov's Kazan regiment: Düna 1701, Nyenskans 1703, Narva 1704, garrison in Narva and Saint Petersburg 1704-09, Viborg 1710, Reval 1710.
Höglund/Bespalov's Moscow regiment: Narva 1700, Erastfer 1701, Hummelshof 1702.

Raised 1696-97 in Belgorod with men from other regiments (Preobrazhenski and Semenovski according to Höglund/Bespalov).

Colonel: Saava Aigustov (from 1698)

1709 Dark green coat, breeches of leather and red cloth, red stockings, hat with lace, red neckcloth.
1710 Dark green coat with red cuffs, pewter buttons with eagles, red breeches and cloaks, hats with white lace.
1711 Blue coat with red cuffs and blue lining, red neckcloth, boots. Two colours: one white with eagle and one green with diagonal lines in black and white.
1712 Blue coat, yellow karpus with red lining, white stockings, black neckcloth. The colonel's colour white with the Tsar's cipher in gold surrounded with palm leaves, seven company colours quartered in black and green with red stripes in between and stitched with yellow, emblem painted in gold: lion escapes from eagle.
1713 White stockings, gaiters
1714 Blue coat with red cuffs and dark green lining, brass buttons. NCOs and corporals had gold lace on their coats.
1716 White stockings.
1717 Dark green coat with red lining. NCOs and corporals had gold lace on their coats. Leather breeches, grey stockings, green karpus with red flaps, black neckcloth.
1718 Blue coat with red lining.
1719 1312 green coats including 982 with red lining. NCOs and corporals had gold lace on their coats. 1152 dark green breeches, 160 red breeches, green karpus with red flaps, red neckcloth.

Garrison in Belgorod and Voronesh 1698-1700, Erastfer 1701, Hummelshof 1702, Jamburg 1703, Dorpat 1704, Narva 1704, Grodno 1706, Poltava 1709, Riga 1710, Prut 1711, Stettin 1713.

(Raised 1700 in Kazan through conscription)

1700: I. Berner
1706: A. Golitsyn

Unknown uniform

Nöteborg 1702, Nyenskans 1703, Narva 1704, garrison in Saint Petersburg 1704-09, Poltava 1709, garrison in Saint Petersburg from 1712.

(Raised 1656 in Moscow as the second Vyborny regiment. According to Höglund/Bespalov it was raised already in 1642.)

Colonel: James Gordon (se below)

1700 Red coat.
1705 Red colours.
1707 Red coat.
1709 Hat.
1711 Red coat, red breeches. boots, hat, red or yellow karpus with red lining.
1712 Red coat, red breeches, white stockings, hat, red or yellow karpus with red lining.
1713 Gaiters of tent linen. Left the regiment: 100 red grenadier caps with blue flaps and black tassels, badges of white cloth with gilded eagle over it. Three light blue officer grenadier caps embroidered with gold and silver. 190 Grenadier bags of black leather with brass badges and crowns
1714 Red coat with yellow cuffs and lining, red vest.
1717 Red coat (English uniforms), karpus.
1718 Red coat and leather breeches.

According to Höglund/Bespalov the colonels were: J. Gordon until 1705, then A. Repnin 1705, I. Busch 1705, Solnzev-Zasekin 1706.

Azov campaigns 1695-96, Narva 1700, Nöteborg 1702, Nyenskans 1703, Narva 1704, Poland-Lithuania 1705-06, Oposhnaya 1709, Poltava 1709, Riga 1710, Prut 1711, Stettin and Wismar 1712, Tönningen 1713, Copenhagen 1716.

(raised 1704 in Nizhny Novgorod from garrison soldiers)
(Not mentioned by Höglund/Bespalov)

Although they do mention another regiment raised 1700 in Moscow by volunteers which was merged with Galitski 1712.

1704: Ivan Stubensky
1705 White colours
1711 White coat with red facings
1717 Green coat.
(raised in Moscow 1700 by volunteers)
1700: William von Schweiden
1704: Yury Shkot
1705: Petr Gassenius
1710 Dark green coat.
1711 Dark green coat, green breeches, hat. Two companies stationed in Kiev had red coats and white breeches.
1712 Green and white coat, red breeches, blue and red cloak, hat.
1713 White coat with red cuffs and lining, white vest, leather breeches, white stockings, gaiters, hat, red neckcloth.
1714 83 red coats (probably for NCOs), grey stockings.
1715 Red coat with blue cuffs and lining, white stockings, karpus, red neckcloth.
1717 Blue cloak with red lining.
1718 Blue coat with red cuffs and lining, leather breeches, blue cloak, hat.
1720 Red cloak with blue lining with brass hooks and loops.

Narva 1700, Erastfer 1701, Hummelshof 1702, Jamburg 1703, Dorpat 1704, Narva 1704, Grodno 1706, Poltava 1709, Prut 1711, Pomerania 1711-14.

(raised 1700 in Kazan and disbanded 1712)

Was a garrison regiment in Belgorod, Polotsk and Kiev 1700-1708. Participated in the siege of Riga 1710 and the Prut campaign 1711.

According to Boris Megorsky

According to Höglund/Bespalov
  1700: Andrey Mitchel
1705: Andrey Romanovsky
1700: A. Mitchell
1705: A. Romanovski
1708: Rauch
1711 Green coat, red breeches, hat. 1711 Green coat with red cuffs and lining, red vest, red breeches and stockings, black hat.
1712 Green coat with pewter buttons, red breeches, grey stockings, red neckcloth, hat.

(raised 1703 in Saint Petersburg with chosen men from other regiments)

Colonel: Alexander Menshikov

According to Boris Megorsky

According to Höglund/Bespalov
1704 Grey coat, Light blue colours. 1703 Hat with white lace, grey coat with brass buttons, blue lining and cuffs, grey vest, blue breeches, grey stockings, black neckcloth.
Yellow coat with red lining and cuffs, brass buttons. red vest, breeches and stockings.
Yellow coat as in 1706,  leather vest and leather breeches, red cloak.

According to Megorsky it was planned that Ingermanlandski should have yellow coats n 1706, but these were never delivered.

1717 Green coat with red lining and cuffs.

1705 Yellow colours.
1707 Green coat with red cuffs as in Preobrazhenski.
1709 Red cloaks.
1710 Leather vest, leather breeches, red cloak, coat with single row of buttons.
1711 Leather vest, leather breeches, red cloak, hat. Eight dragoon colours and during the Turkish campaign one infantry colour and two dragoon colours were delivered.
1712 Red cloak.
1713 Blue coat, white vest and white breeches, hat.
1714 Red cloak.
1715 Green coat, leather breeches, hat, grenadier caps
1717 Green coat with red facings, Blue cloak, hat with (white?) paper rosette..
1718 Red coat, leather breeches, hat.
1720 Red cloak.

Ingermanlandski Regiment consisted of three battalions and had the same pay and benefits as the guard regiments. Just like them Ingermanlandski also retained their grenadiers even after the creation of grenadier regiments. They might have had cavalry boots instead of shoes when they together with the guard regiments became mounted 1707-08.

Dorpat 1704, Narva 1704, Mitau 1705, Grodno 1706, Holowczyn 1708, Lesnaya 1708, Poltava 1709, Riga 1710, Prut 1711, Pomerania 1712, Hangö udd (Gangut) 1714, Stäket 1719.

Not mentioned by Boris Megorsky

According to Angus Konstam

(raised 1702/03 and disbanded 1712))

Colonel: Stekalov


According to Höglund/Bespalov

Raised 1706 in Saint Petersburg with streltsies from the regiments Strekalov, Sucharev, Elchianov, F. Bashnev and M. Bashnev (disbanded 1713)

Unknown colonel

1708/09 Green coat, black hat and grey cloak.

Viborg 1706, Oposhnaya 1709, Poltava 1709, Riga 1710, Prut 1711, Pomerania 1713.

(raised 1700 in Moscow by volunteers)

According to Boris Megorsky

According to Höglund/Bespalov
  1700: Ivan von Delden
1705: Ludwig Hallart
1700: J. von Delden
1706: L. Hallart
1709 Hat. 1700 Green coat.
Blue coat with pewter buttons, red lining and cuffs, blue karpus with red lining, red neckcloth.
Green coat.
Blue coat, blue cloak.
1711 Blue coat, red karpus with blue lining.
1712 Blue coat, red karpus with blue lining.
1714 Karpus.
1717 Green coat until September, thereafter blue. Karpus, blue cloak.
1718 Leather breeches
1721 Knitted gloves for NCOs and corporals.

Narva 1700, Erastfer 1701, Hummelshof 1702, Jamburg 1703, Dorpat 1704, Narva 1704, Grodno 1706, Oposhnaya 1709, Poltava 1709, Riga 1710, Prut 1711, Pälkäne 1713, Storkyro 1714, naval infantry 1714-19, Stäket 1719.

(raised 1700 in Moscow through conscription)

According to Boris Megorsky

According to Höglund/Bespalov
  1700: William von Delden
1701: Christopher Zimmerman
1702: Joachim Goulitz
1703: Nikolay Goering
1705: Boris Sheremetev
1700: W. von Delden
1701: K. Zimmermann
1703: J. Gulitz
1703: N. Göring
1704: B. Sheremetev
1710 Red coat with yellow cuffs, red breeches, blue stockings, red cloak, hat. 1700 Green coat.

1708 Yellow coat.

1711 Hat, red coat with pewter buttons, yellow lining and cuffs, grey vest, red breeches, grey/yellow-striped stockings and red cloak.

1711 Red coat with yellow cuffs, red breeches and cloaks, hat.
1712 Hat.
1713 White stockings, hat, black neckcloth.
1714 Red coat
1715 Hat, red, neckcloth, grey coat for train drivers, blue cloak with red lining, white and grey stockings.
1716 Blue coat with white facing and lining, brass buttons for NCOs and pewter for privates, blue breeches, hat.
1718 Blue cloak with red lining, red neckcloth
1719 Blue coat with red cuffs and lining, brass buttons, gold lace for NCOs, blue breeches, blue karpus with red lining, hats for NCOs and corporals.
1721 Vest and breeches blue.

Narva 1700, Erastfer 1701, Hummelshof 1702, Nyenskans 1703, Jamburg 1703, Dorpat 1704, Narva 1704, Grodno 1706, Oposhnaya 1709, Senzhary 1709, Poltava 1709, Riga 1710, Pomerania 1711-13.

(raised 1703 in Kazan from garrison soldiers)

1703: Afanasy Skripitsyn, 1706: Alexey Golovin

According to Boris Megorsky

According to Höglund/Bespalov
1703 Green coat, grey cloak, black hat. 1703 Green coat with red lining and cuffs, red breeches, red stockings, grey cloak..

1711 Hat, green coat with red lining and cuffs, leather breeches, red stockings, grey cloak.

1710 Dark green coat, leather breeches, grey homespun cloak
1711 Dark green coat, leather breeches, grey homespun cloak, pewter buttons, red breeches, white stockings.
1712 Dark green coat, red breeches, white stockings, train drivers' coat grey and vest of coloured linen, hat, red neckcloth.
1713 Blue cloak with brass hooks and loops.
1714 Blue coat, leather breeches, karpus, red neckcloth.
1716 Red coat, leather breeches, blue cloak, green karpus, red neckcloth.
1717 Coat (or maybe just facings) blue
1718 Red coat, breeches blue and leather, cloak red, green and blue, karpus green. Colours: green with emblem and iron finials, two yellow, two reddish, one red with brass gilded finial, one grey, one white with eagle.
1719 Blue coat, leather breeches, red karpus, black neckcloth.
1720 Blue coat with red cuffs, leather breeches, cloaks of various colours, red karpus, black neckcloth, green fourier pennants.

Narva 1704, Lithuania 1705-07, Holowczyn 1708, Oposhnaya 1709, Poltava 1709, Riga 1710, Prut 1711, Finland 1714.

(Raised 1656 in Moscow as the first Vyborny regiment. According to Höglund/Bespalov it was raised already in 1642.)

According to Boris Megorsky

According to Höglund/Bespalov

1699: F. Lefort
1700: A. Weide
1701: J. de Lima
1704: W. von Schweden
1707: Minstermann

1698 Red fur brimmed cap, raspberry red kaftan with pewter buttons, red vest and breeches, boots. Officers should have had silver lace and silver buttons on their kaftans
Red coat
Red coat, green karpus with red lining.
Hat, red coat.

  1701: Yury Lim
1703: William von Schweiden
1700 Red coat.
1711 Red coat, with yellow facings and pewter buttons, green karpus with red lining, red breeches, blue stockings.
1712 Red coat with pewter buttons, breeches red and of leather, blue stockings, black neckcloth, karpus red with yellow, hats for NCOs.
1713 Blue cloak.
1714 Red coat.
1715 Leather breeches, karpus.
1717 Dark green coat, breeches of red cloth and leather, hat.
1718 Leather breeches, green cloak.
1719 Green coat, red breeches, hat.
1720 Hat.

Azov campaigns 1695-96, Narva 1700, Erastfer 1701, Hummelshof 1702, Nöteborg 1702, Nyenskans 1703, Narva 1704, Grodno  1706, Holowczyn 1708, Poltava 1709, Riga 1710, Prut 1711, Stettin and Wismar 1711, Tönningen 1713, Copenhagen 1716.

(raised 1700 in Moscow by volunteers)

According to Boris Megorsky

According to Höglund/Bespalov

1700: K-G. Ivanitski (Evans/Evens?)
1701: I. Sak
1703: M. Bordovik
1704: Ogilvie
1706: Georgii


  1700: Gustav Ivanitsky
1701: Ivan Sak
1701: Matvey Bordovik
1704: Georg Benedict Ogilvy
1707: Heinrich-Friedrich Frize
1701 One white colour and nine greyish green colours. 1709 Red coat with pewter buttons, green lining and cuffs, hat with white lace. Vest, breeches, stockings, neckcloth and cloak red.
Red coat with yellow lining, cuffs and button holes, red karpus with yellow lining. Another source states: red coat with pewter buttons and blue  lining and cuffs, red karpus with blue lining.
Green coat, green karpus, red breeches, green cloak.
Red coat, leather breeches, blue cloak.
Green coat, red karpus.
Red coat.
1707 The Tsar ordered white coats with red cuffs.
1709 Breeches of red cloth and leather, hat, black neckcloth.
1711 Red coat, red karpus with blue lining.
1712 Coat, dark green cloak and karpus, red breeches, black neckcloth, dark green-yellow fourier pennants.
1714 Red coat, leather breeches, red cloak
1715 Blue karpus
1716 Dark green coat, red cloak.
1717 Coat red (or maybe just the facings), red karpus, blue breeches, red cloak.
1718 Green coat, green and red karpus, red cloak.
1720 Red karpus

Narva 1700, Arkhangelsk 1701-02, Gemäuerthof 1705, Grodno 1706, Akhtyrska, Oposhna, Poltava 1709, Riga 1710, Prut 1711, Pälkäne 1713, Storkyro 1714, Stäket 1719.

(raised 1704 in Moscow by volunteers and conscripts)

According to Boris Megorsky

According to Höglund/Bespalov
  1704: Adam Schonback
1705: Gavrilo Golovkin
1704: A. von Schönbeck
1706: G. Golovkin
170?: S. Sukin
1710 Dark green coat with red cuffs and pewter buttons with emblem, red breeches, red cloak, boots, black hat trimmed with white linen.
1711 Dark green coat, red breeches and cloaks, hat. 1711 Green coat with red lining and cuffs, black hat, leather breeches or red cloth breeches, red stockings, red cloak
1712 Green coat, red breeches, white stockings, red cloak, hat.
1713 Blue coat, white vest, white breeches, hat with lace, black neckcloth.
1714 Red cloak.
1716 Blue coat with red cuffs and lining, hat.
1718 Blue coat, leather breeches, red cloak.
1720 Green coat with red cuffs and lining, hat.

Narva 1704, Gemäuerthof and Mitau 1705, Poltava 1709, Riga and Viborg 1710, Pomerania 1712-14, garrison in Narva from 1714.


According to Angus Konstam

(raised 1702-03 but completed first 1706)

1706: Kulikov

According to Höglund/Bespalov

(raised 1706 in Saint Petersburg with men from other regiments)

1706: Kulikov
170?: V. Zaborovski

Unknown uniform

According to Boris Megorsky

(raised 1713 in Kiev)


1717 Karpus.
1719 Dark green coat, blue breeches, red cloak.
1722 Green coat, red and blue vest, leather breeches, red cloak.

Höglund/Bespalovs regiment: Garrison in Saint Petersburg 1706-09, Poltava 1709, Viborg and Kexholm 1710, Pälkäne 1713, Storkyro 1714, Stäket 1719.

(raised 1700 in Moscow through conscription)

According to Boris Megorsky

According to Höglund/Bespalov
  1700: Astafy Pohlman
1701: Michael Strausberg
1703: Denis Ridder
1706: Effren
1707: Arot Pfeilenheim
1707: Hartwig-Friedrich Nostitz
1700: A. Bolmann (Pohlman)
1701: M. von Strauchberg
1702: D. Ridder
1706: I. Lignetz
1700 Cherry coat (dark red, almost brown). 1700 Green coat.

1708-11 Green coat, hat or green karpus with red lining, leather breeches, grey stockings.

1716 Green coat.

1717 Red coat with blue lining.

1701 Ten cherry colours.
1708 Red cloak.
1711 Green coat, leather breeches, hat.
1712 Green coat, green karpus with red lining. One white colour, seven green colours.
1714 Green coat, blue breeches.
1717 Delivered: red coat (silver lace for NCOs), blue breeches, blue and red cloak, red karpus. Green coat, after September red with blue facings and three buttons on the sleeve.
1718 Red coat, leather breeches, red and blue cloak

Narva 1700, Hummelshof 1702, Nyenskans 1703, Jamburg 1703, Dorpat 1704, Narva 1704, Grodno 1706, Oposhna 1709, Poltava 1709, Riga 1710, Prut 1711, Pälkäne 1713, Storkyro 1714, Hangö udde (Gangut) 1714, Swedish east coast 1719.

(raised 1700 in Moscow through conscription)

According to Boris Megorsky

According to Höglund/Bespalov
  1700: Nikolay Balk
1705: Nikolay Goering
1707: Pfeilenheim
1700: N. Balk
1704: N. Göring
1707: J. von Fichtenheim
1700 Red coat. 1700 Green coat.

1709 Wore captured Swedish karpuses after the battle of Poltava.

1711 Green coat with red lining and cuffs, white karpus with green lining, black neckcloth, red vest, red breeches, red stockings.

1709 Hat or karpus according to Juel.
1710 Leather breeches, shoes "kurpy" with stockings.
1711 Green coat, white karpus with green lining.
1712 Green coat, white karpus with green lining, gaiters of tent linen.
1714 Karpus.
1717 Karpus.
1719 Blue coat with red cuffs and lining, karpus
1720 Red cloak with brass hooks and loops, karpus

Narva 1700, Erastfer 1701, Hummelshof 1702, Jamburg 1703, Dorpat 1704, Narva 1704, Gemäuerthof 1705, Lesnaya 1708, Poltava 1709, Reval 1710, Riga 1710, Pomerania 1711-18.

(Raised 1697 in Kazan from several streltsy units, disbanded 1712)

Colonel: Alexander Scharf

Unknown uniform

Erastfer 1701, Hummelshof 1702, Nyenskans 1703, Poltava 1709

(Raised 1704 in Nizhny Novgorod with conscripts and Cossacks from the lower Volga, disbanded 1709)

1704: A. Topornin, 1708: W. Fermor

Unknown uniform

Garrison in Smolensk and Polotsk 1704-08, garrison in Veprik 1708-09 and captured there by the Swedes. About 500 men were freed in the battle of Starya Senchari and participated in the battle of Poltava 1709.

(raised 1700 in Kazan through conscription)

According to Boris Megorsky

According to Höglund/Bespalov
  1700: Ivan Angler
1701: Tomofey Treiden
1700: I. Angler
1701: F. Bachmanov
1703: T. Treiden
1707 Hat. 1709 Green coat with yellow lining and cuffs, yellow karpus with green lining.
1708 Green coat with red facings.
1712 Green coat, yellow karpus, light green cloak.
1713 White coat and vest, gaiters of tent linen, red neckcloth.
1714 White coats and 87 red coats (probably for NCOs), hat.
1715 Red coat, leather breeches, green karpus, red neckcloth.
1717 Blue cloak.
1718 Red cloak, hat.
1720 Hat.

Erastfer 1701, Nöteborg 1702, Hummelshof 1702, Nyenskans 1703, Jamburg 1703, Dorpat 1704, Narva 1704, garrison in Dorpat, Narva and Kronslott 1704-06, Grodno 1706, Poltava 1709, Riga 1710, Viborg 1710, Pomerania and Mecklenburg 1711-18.

(raised 1700 in Moscow through conscription)

According to Boris Megorsky

According to Höglund/Bespalov
  1700: Ivan Mews
1707: Peter d'Albonne
1700: K. Gulitz
1701: I. Mevs
1706: von Dalbon (d'Albonne?)
1706: W. von Fenniksbirs

1711 Green coat, hat.
Green coat, hat, red breeches or leather breeches, light grey gaiters made of old tent canvas.
Green coat with red cuffs, blue karpus with red lining.
Red coat with yellow cuffs, blue cloak.

1700 Light blue coat.
1711 Green coat, hat, karpus.
1712 Green coat, hat, leather vest, leather breeches, red cloak with blue lining, karpus. One white colour with emblems and seven azure colours.
1713 Red coat, yellow karpus, blue cloak
1714 Karpus
1717 Red coat with yellow facings, green karpus, blue cloak.

Narva 1700, Erastfer 1701, Hummelshof 1702, Nyenskans 1703, Narva 1704, Dorpat 1704, Gemäuerthof 1705, Grodno 1706, Malatitze 1708, Oposhna 1709, Poltava 1709, Riga 1710, Viborg 1710, Prut 1711, Pälkäne 1713, Storkyro 1714, Stäket 1719.

(raised 1700 in Kazan by volunteers)

According to Boris Megorsky

According to Höglund/Bespalov
  1700: Kaspar Goulitz
1706: Nikolay von Werden
1706: Ivan Chambers
1700: K. Gulitz
1704: J. Chambers
1706: I. Golovin
1705 Red colours. 1711 Green coat with yellow cuffs, hat, red breeches, grey cloak.
1707 The Tsar ordered manufacture of green coats.
1710 Dark green coat, leather breeches, homespun grey cloak, hat.
1711 Dark green coat, red breeches, homespun grey cloak.
1712 Green coat, breeches red and leather, hat. Had a white colour with eagle and seven red colours which were replaced by a white colour with eagle and seven light blue colours. 1712 Green coat, hat.
1714 Green coat with red cuffs for privates and gold lace for NCOs, red coat with blue cuffs and silver lace for clerks, blue breeches, blue cloak with red lining, green karpus with red lining, red neckcloth.
1717 Green coat, leather breeches, blue cloak, green karpus.
1720 Green coat, leather breeches, hat. One white and seven light blue colours.

Düna 1701, Nöteborg 1702, Marienburg 1702, Nyenskans 1703, Narva 1704, Grodno 1706, Holowczyn 1708, Poltava 1709, Riga 1710, Prut 1711, Pomerania 1712, naval infantry 1714-18.


According to Boris Megorsky
(raised 1703 in Ladoga from chosen men of three regiments)


According to Höglund/Bespalov
(raised 1703 in Moscow by volunteers)

  1703: Daniil Cooper
1705: Nikolay Lang
1703: D. Kuper (Cooper?)
1705: N. Lange
170?: J. von Ravenstein

1711 Green coat, black hat.

1717 Blue coat.

1704 Blue coat; breeches and vest cherry.
1711 Green coat, karpus.
1712 Green coat, hat.
1713 Blue coat, karpus.
1716 Karpus.
1717 Blue coat with red facings.
1719 Red coat, green karpus.
1720 Blue cloak, leather breeches.

Gemäuerthof 1705, Holowczyn 1708, Poltava 1709, Prut 1711, Hangö udde (Gangut) 1714.

S:t Petersburgski
(raised 1703 in Saint Petersburg by volunteers from other regiments)

Colonel Alexander Menshikov
Lieutenant Colonel: Nikolay Neitert (Netert, Neudgard?)

According to Boris Megorsky

According to Höglund/Bespalov

(also called the Governor's Regiment)

1706 Hat.
1708 Hat.
1711 Hat.
1712 Red coat, green cloak.
1713 Red coat, white breeches, green cloak, white neckcloth. One white colour and seven reddish colours.
1714 Green cuffs, karpus, white neckcloth.
1716 Red coat, green vest, blue breeches, green cloak, silver lace for NCOs. blue karpus.
1717 Red coat with green facing, green vest, blue karpus with red flaps. 1717 Red coat.
1718 Red coat, green vest, red breeches, green cloak, white neckcloth.
1719 Red coat, red breeches.
1720 Karpus.

Nyenskans and Systerbäck 1703, Oposhna and Poltava 1709, Reval, Riga and Kexholm 1710, Pälkäne 1713, Storkyro 1714.

(raised 1700 in Moscow by volunteers)

According to Boris Megorsky

According to Höglund/Bespalov
  1700: Matvey Treiden
1702: Tikhon Gundertmark
1704: Yakov Kartashov
1704: Benedict Povish
1705: Zaborovsky
1702: T. Gundertmark
1703: A. Schnewentz
1703: B. Povish
1705: Zaborski
1711 Green coat, yellow karpus with red lining. 1708 Green coat, leather breeches, hat.
1711 Green coat, yellow karpus with red lining.
1712 Green coat with red cuffs, red neckcloth, green karpus with red lining, hats for NCOs, pewter buttons, red breeches, white stockings. Fourier pennants of green and red cloth.
1714 Blue coat, karpus.
1715 Blue coat, red cloak, karpus.
1716 Karpus.
1717 Blue coat, red cloak. 1717 Blue coat, red cloak.
1718 Karpus
1719 Blue coat, red cloak, green karpus.
1720 Knitted gloves for NCOs, corporals and clerks.
1722 Blue vest

According to Megorsky the regiment that would become Schlüsselburgski was split into two regiments 1702 (the other one became Azovski). Höglund/Bespalov have recorded the regiment that existed before the partitioning as a separate regiment, but apart from that they do not have any diverging information about it.

Ingria and Estonia 1702-03, Narva 1704, Gemäuerthof 1705, Poltava 1709, Riga 1710, Kexholm 1710, Prut 1711, Pälkäne 1713, Storkyro 1714, Hangö udde (Gangut) 1714.

(raised 1700 in Moscow through conscription)

According to Boris Megorsky

According to Höglund/Bespalov
  1700: Irik von Werden
1701: Mikhail Frank
1702: Ivan Angler
1706: Feodor Belling
1700: E. von Verden
1701: M. Frant
1701: I. Angler
1701: F. Belling
1706: P. Leslie
1700 Green coat. 1700 Red coat.
1708 Green coat, leather breeches, red and white stockings, "kurpy"-shoes, karpus, black neckcloth..
1710 Homespun grey cloak, boots.
1711 Green coat, boots, hat. 1711 Green coat, hat or green karpus, red vest, red breeches, red neckcloth, green cloak.
1712 Green coat, cloak and karpus. One white colour and seven yellow colours.
1714 Grey stockings.
1715 Red coat, leather breeches, blue cloak, green karpus, white neckcloth.
1717 Red coat with blue facings, green vest, white neckcloth. 1717 Red coat.
1718 Red and green coat, green cloak, red, green and blue karpus.
1720 Karpus

Narva 1700, Erastfer 1701, Hummelshof 1702, Jamburg 1703, Koporje 1703, Narva 1704, Dorpat 1704, Grodno 1706, Poltava 1709, Riga 1710, Prut 1711, naval infantry 1713-, Åland 1715.

Not mentioned by Boris Megorsky

According to Angus Konstam

(raised 1708 and disbanded 1712)



According to Höglund/Bespalov

Raised 1702 in Smolensk from a streltsy regiment

Colonel: I. Leslie

1707  Light blue coat.

Poland 1706, Courland 1708, merged with A. Gulitz' regiment and created Simbirski Regiment 1708.

(raised 1700 in Moscow through conscription)
According to Höglund/Bespalov

1700: T. Gundertmark
1700: I. Bils
1710: I. Deniser
1715: T. von Fenedier (Venediger?)

According to Boris Megorsky

  1700: Ilya Bils
1701 Four straw yellow colours. 1707? White coat with brass buttons, blue lining and cuffs, white karpus with red lining, black neckcloth, grey vest, grey breeches, grey/blue-striped stockings.
1708 Dark green coat, red vest, red breeches. One white colour and four "lemon" colours.
1709 Dark green coat, red vest, red breeches, hat, grenadier caps.
1712 Red cloak, gaiters of tent linen. 1708 Green coat with red lining and cuffs, green karpus with red lining, red vest, red breeches, white stockings, red neckcloth and cloak.
1713 White coat with red cuffs and lining, brass buttons, red vest, red neckcloth. One white colour, seven colours: "red with yellow".
1714 86 red coats (probably for NCOs). For recruits: grey coat, vest of coloured linen, cap of red cloth, motley sash, white neckcloth. 1715 White coat with pewter buttons, red lining and cuffs, hat with white lace, black neckcloth, red vest, red breeches, white stockings. Red coat for NCOs, grey coat for train drivers.
1715 Dark green coat and karpus, leather breeches, red neckcloth.
1718 Dark green coat, leather breeches, red cloak, hat, red neckcloth.
1720 Leather breeches, red cloak, hat. red neckcloth.

Narva 1700, Erastfer 1701, Hummelshof 1702, Nyenskans 1703, Narva 1704, Suppressed rebellion in Astrakhan 1706 and garrison in Voronezh, Reval 1710, Viborg 1710 and garrison in Riga, Pomerania 1713-18.

(raised by survivors from the battle of Fraustadt 1706)

Colonel: Samuil Rentsel

According to Boris Megorsky

Alternative name: Saksonsky (Saxon)

According to Höglund/Bespalov

Called Suzdalski from 1718

1711 Green coat, green karpus with red lining, pewter buttons, red breeches and stockings. 1707-11 Green coat with red lining and cuffs, green karpus with red lining, red vest, red breeches, stockings and black neckcloth.
1712 Green coat with pewter buttons, red breeches and stockings, red neckcloth, green karpus with red lining. Hat for NCOs. One white colour and seven red colours.
1714 Green coat, karpus,
1716 Cloak with white collar.
1717 Blue coat, karpus.
1718 Blue coat.
1719 Karpus, silver lace on NCO coats.
1720 Leather breeches.

Holowczyn 1708, Oposhna and Poltava 1709, Riga 1710, Prut 1711, Mecklenburg 1712-17, Copenhagen 1719.


According to Boris Megorsky
(raised 1703 in Moscow through conscription)


According to Höglund/Bespalov
(raised 1703 in Moscow by volunteers)

  1704: Nikita Repnin 1703: A. Repnin
1704: I. Chambers
1706: G. Golovkin
1707: I. Voikov
1705 Yellow colours.
1706 High boots. Tsar confirmed issuing seven black colours of silk.
1711 Green coat, green karpus with red lining. 1711 Green coat with red lining and cuffs, green karpus with red lining, red vest, red breeches, red stockings, black neckcloth.
1712 Green coat with pewter buttons, green karpus with red lining, hat for NCOs, red breeches, white stockings, red neckcloth.
1722 Green and white vest, leather breeches, green cloak.

Narva 1704, Grodno 1706, Holowczyn 1708, Poltava 1709, Prut 1711, Hangö udde (Gangut) 1714.

(raised 1700 in Moscow through conscription)

According to Boris Megorsky

According to Höglund/Bespalov
  1700: Matvey Fliwerk
1701: Daniil Cooper
1701: Yury Abram
1702: Iov Abram
1700: M. Fliwerk
1704: Zdanov
1714: D. Kuler
1700 Green coat with dark green facings. Green colours. 1700 Green coat, red breeches.
1708 White coat with red facings. 1708 White coat with red cuffs.
1710 Dark green breeches, dark green coat with red lapels and cuffs, 18 grenadier caps with the same colours, fourier pennants in uniform colours.
1712 Fourier pennants of red and green cloth.
1713 Karpus.
1715 Karpus.
1718 Green coat and karpus, red cloak.
1720 Blue breeches.

Narva 1700, Erastfer 1701, Hummelshof 1702, Nöteborg 1703, Narva 1704, Poltava 1709, Reval 1710, Viborg 1710, Pälkäne 1713, Storkyro 1714.

(raised 1700 in Moscow by volunteers, disbanded 1712)

According to Boris Megorsky

According to Höglund/Bespalov
  1700: Karl-Peter Dewson
1701: Yury Abram
1701: Daniil Cooper
1702: Alexey Kellen
1700: K-P. Deveson (Devson, Devsen?)
1701: J. Abram
1701: D. Kuper
1702: A. Kellin
1701 One white and seven "tausiny" (dark blue) colours.
1710 Dark green coat, red breeches, hat, shoes and boots.
1711 Dark green coat, red breeches, hat. 1711 Green coat with red lining and cuffs, red karpus, red vest, red breeches, red stockings, black neckcloth.
1712 When the regiment was disbanded a set of one white and seven green colours were transferred to Yaroslavski Regiment.

Narva 1700, Erastfer 1701, Hummelshof 1702, Jamburg 1703, Dorpat 1704, Narva 1704, Grodno 1706, garrison in Poltava 1709, Riga 1710.

(raised 1702 in Smolensk from Ozerov's Streltsy Regiment which was garrisoned there, disbanded 1712)

According to Höglund/Bespalov
  1700: Ivan Ozerov
1707: Ivan von Mengden

According to Boris Megorsky
1707 Azure coat. Two colours of red and azure silk. 1700 Light blue coat (kaftan?).

Garrison in Smolensk 1702-08, garrison in Poltava during the siege.

1708 Red cloak with yellow lining.
1712 White coat with blue cuffs and pewter buttons, blue breeches, white karpus with green flaps, black neckcloth.

(raised 1700 in Kazan through conscription,
was called Lutski 1708-10)

According to Boris Megorsky

According to Höglund/Bespalov
  1700: Nikolay von Werden
1703: Alexey Deduit
After 1705: Gordon
?: Astafiev
1700: N. von Verden
1702: A. Dedut
170?: A. Gordon
1705 Dark green colours.
1711 Dark green coat, hat, dark green vest, dark green breeches. According to Viskovatov: white coat with blue cuffs, white karpus with red flaps. 1711 White coat with blue lining and cuffs, white karpus with red flaps.
1712 Dark green coat, red breeches. 1712 Green coat, green vest, green breeches.
1715 Dark green coat, karpus. 17?? Green coat with blue cuffs, blue karpus, leather breeches.
1717 Dark green coat, karpus. 1717 Green coat.

Düna 1701, Nöteborg 1703, Nyenskans 1703, Narva 1704, in Poland 1704-06, Poltava 1709, Hangö udde (Gangut) 1714, Swedish east coast 1720.

(raised 1700 in Novgorod by volunteers and conscripts, got the name Viborgski 1712)

According to Boris Megorsky
According to Höglund/Bespalov
  1700: Ivan Kulom
1701: Andrey Inglis
1700: I. Kulom (J. Colomb)
1701: A. Inglis
1708: S. Balabanov
1701 Three dark red colours.
1709 Green coat for NCOs, white coat for privates. 1709/12 Green coat.
1711 Green coat for NCOs, clerks and oboist, white coat for privates, leather breeches, hat.
1712 One white and seven blue colours delivered.
1714 Green coat with red collar and cuffs, brass buttons, green karpus.
1715 Green coat with red collar and cuffs, brass buttons, green cloak, blue karpus.
1716 Red vest, blue breeches, 1160 green cloaks with blue lining and 101 green cloaks with red lining. NCOs: green coat with red collar and cuffs, blue lining and white lace. Green karpus with blue flaps and white tape.
1717 Green coat with red collar, cuffs and lining, red vest, green karpus with blue flaps and white tape 1717 Green coat.
1719 Red vest.
1720 Green cloak, karpus.
1721 Green vest.

Narva 1700, Nyenskans 1703, Narva 1704, garrison in Narva and Ivangorod, Poltava 1709, Viborg 1710, Pälkäne 1713, Storkyro 1714, Stäket 1719.

(raised 1700 in Moscow through conscription)

1700: Tomas Jungor, 1703: Vasily Poroshin (1704 according to Höglund/Bespalov)

According to Boris Megorsky

According to Höglund/Bespalov
1700 Green coat. 1700 Light blue coat.
1703 Red coat, white vest, white breeches, hat, grenadier bearskin caps with red top. One white colour with eagle.. 1702/03 Red coat with white lining and cuffs, hat, white vest, white breeches, white stockings.

Höglund/Bespalov states that this regiment was merged with Saint Petersburgski 1708

Narva 1700, Erastfer 1701, Hummelshof 1702.

1705 Red coat, hat.
1706 Red coat, hat.
1707 Red coat, hat.
1709 Stockings and shoes delivered.
1711 Red coat with white cuffs and lapels.
1712 Blue cloak.
1713 White neckcloth..
1714 Green coat with red cuffs and lining (including 80 coats with lace), leather breeches, blue cloak, green karpus.
1716 Red coat with red cuffs and lining, green cloak, blue karpus.
1719 Red coat with blue lining (including 80 coats with lace), leather breeches, blue cloak with red lining and brass hooks and loops, blue karpus with red lining.
1720 Leather breeches, blue cloak. Eight black colours including one white with eagle.
1721 Red coat, red and green vests, red, blue and green cloaks.

(raised 1700 i Novgorod by volunteers and conscripts)

According to Boris Megorsky

According to Höglund/Bespalov
  1700: Roman Bruce
1702: Ivan Ridder
1704: Ivan von Buterer
1700: R. Bruce
1701: I. Rider
1704: J. von Puterer
1705: Fliwerk
1706: Belleardi
1705 Red colours.
1709 Green coat, leather breeches, green karpus.
1710 Grey cloak.
1711 Green coat, grey cloak, karpus. One red colour and one white colour. 1711 Green coat, white karpus with green lining, grey cloak.
1712 Hats delivered. White karpuses with green lining manufactured but probably not delivered.
1715 Karpus.
1717 Blue coat, blue cloak, red karpus, white neckcloth. Green coat, red cloak. 1717 Green coat, red cloak.
1718 Blue and red coat, leather breeches, red cloak, blue karpus.

Narva 1700, Nyenskans 1703, Narva and Dorpat 1704, garrison in Saint Petersburg 1704-05, Poltava 1709, Pernau and Riga 1710, Pomerania 1711, Pälkäne 1713, Storkyro 1714, Hangö udde (Gangut) 1714, Stäket 1719.

(raised 1700 in Moscow by volunteers)

Colonel: Friedrich Balk

According to Boris Megorsky

According to Höglund/Bespalov
1709 Red coat, blue and white breeches. 1700 Red coat.
1710 Dark green coat, dark green breeches, hat.
1711 Dark green coat, vest and breeches of chamois leather, green cloth breeches for NCOs, white stockings, hat, red neckcloth.
1712 Green coat, red karpus with yellow lining.
1713 Dark green coat, chamois-leather breeches, blue cloak, green karpus.
1714 Dark green coat, karpus. 1714 Green coat.
1716 Karpus, gloves
1717 Red coat, green cloak. 1717 Red coat, green cloak.
1718 Blue breeches.
1719 Red coat, red karpus.
1720 Knitted gloves for NCOs, corporals and clerks.

Narva 1700, Erastfer 1701, Hummelshof 1702, Jamburg 1703, Dorpat 1704, Narva 1704, garrison i Dorpat 1704-09, Poltava 1709, Riga 1710, Pomerania 1711, Stettin 1713, Storkyro 1714, Hangö udde (Gangut) 1714, Stäket 1719.

(raised 1700 in Kazan through conscription)

According to Boris Megorsky
According to Höglund/Bespalov
  1700: Pavel Berner
1704: Alexander Sharf
1706: Ivan Schneberg
1706: Alexey Golitsyn
1700: P. Berner
1706: A. Golitsyn
1705 Ash grey colours.
1711 Dark green coat, dark green breeches, hat. 1711 Green coat with red lining and cuffs, hat, green vest, green breeches, red stockings.
1712 Green coat, white stockings, hat. One white and seven black colours with gilded finials.
1713 Leather vest, gaiters of tent canvas, hat.
1714 Leather breeches, blue cloak, green karpus.
1717 Red cloak with yellow lining, karpus. "Mecklenburg colours".
1718 Hat with lace for NCOs. Blue coat, vest, breeches and loops, white cuffs, karpus.
1720 Red cloak, karpus, hat for NCOs.

Nöteborg 1702, Nyenskans 1703, Narva 1704, Holowczyn 1708, Poltava 1709, Prut 1711, Tönningen 1713, Stettin, Mecklenburg, Lüneburg 1712-14.

(raised 1705 from Vestov's Streltsy Regiment in Novgorod, disbanded 1712)
According to Höglund/Bespalov

According to Boris Megorsky
  1705: Iakov Vestov
1705: Z. Vestov (West)

Unknown uniform

Bykov 1707, Poltava 1709, garrison in Kamenni Zaton.

1707 Dark green coat
1711 Dark green coat with red cuffs, red breeches, red stockings, hat. Eight "smoke" (shade of grey) colours.


According to Boris Megorsky
(raised 1700 in Simbirsk with local soldiers)

According to Höglund/Bespalov
(raised 1700 in Moscow by volunteers)

  1700: Philipp Kar
1701: Alexey Bolobonov
1700: I. Treiden
1706: A. Balabanov
1708: P. Apraxin
1701 Light grey colours.
1703 Green coat, red breeches, shoes, boots.
1704 Green coat, red breeches. Grenadier and drummer caps of green and red cloth.
1705 Grenadier bearskin caps with a red top of cloth.
1706 Grenadier and drummer caps of cloth embroidered with silk.
1707 Drum belts red with metal lace.
1708 Green coat with red cuffs and lapels, red vest, red breeches.
1709 Green karpus with red flaps, brass buttons, "kurpy" shoes.
1711 Red karpus for recruits.
1712 Green cloak, "kurpy" shoes, blue stockings. One white colour with eagle and seven green colours from the disbanded Tverski Regiment. Coats for train drivers and servants grey with green facings.
1713 White coat and vest, chamois leather breeches and later blue, gaiters of tent linen, hat.
1714 White stockings, shoes, boots.
1715 Blue coat and karpus, leather breeches, red neckcloth. 32 coats for NCOs with two rows of silver lace, 48 coats for corporals with one row of silver lace.
1717 Grey stockings, red cloak with yellow lining.
1718 Mecklenburg uniforms: karpus, hat with lace for NCOs, blue coat, vest and breeches, white cuffs and loops.
1720 Uniforms issued in Mecklenburg: Blue coat, red cloak, karpus, hat for NCOs.

According to Höglund/Bespalov Yaroslavski had in 1703: Green coat with red lining and cuffs, red vest, red breeches.

Narva 1700, Erastfer 1701, Hummelshof 1702, Nyenskans 1703, Poltava 1709, Viborg 1710, Reval 1710, Pomerania 1711-18, Hanover 1719.

Other Russian Infantry Regiments

These short-lived line regiments and garrison regiments never got provincial names. The same thing applies for the auxiliary corps that was sent to help Saxony 1704-06 which is listed further down.

  Colonel Origin Uniform History
45 1698: Andreij Scharf
1702: F. Tolbuchin
Raised 1697/98 in Tsaritsyn with streltsies from Kazan military district. 1708: hat, red coat, red breeches. Erastfer 1701, Jamburg 1703, garrison in Saint Petersburg and Retusaari from 1704.
46 1700: G. Jankovski
1701: M. Gurick
1704: P. Ostrovski
Raised 1700 in Simbirsk with men from Shepelev's old regiment. Unknown uniform Ingria, Estonia and on the Ladoga 1701, garrison in Saint Petersburg and the island Kotlin (Retusaari) from 1704. "Saint Petersburg Garrison Regiment" 1712.

1700: R Apraxin
1703: Schachovski
1707: Kulikov

Raised 1700 in Moscow by volunteers. 1708 blue coat with red cuffs Narva 1704, Poltava 1709, Viborg and Kexholm 1710.
Merged with Galitski 1712.
48 1700: A. Zei (Tsey)
1701: G. Kreik
1702: I. Busch
1702: G. Kreik
Raised before 1700 in Smolensk through conscription. Unknown uniform Garrison in Smolensk 1700-08, at Reval 1709. Probably disbanded that year.
49 1699: A. Gulitz
1700: A. Voznitsyn
Raised 1698-99 in Sevsk through conscription from old regiments. Unknown uniform Garrison in Sevsk, Akhtyrka and other places 1700-05. Mazepa's corps in Poland 1706. Probably disbanded that year.
50 1700: F. Kar (Carr?)
1703: A. Balabanov
1706: V. Polandianov
Raised 1700 in Kazan with soldiers from Bordovik's regiment as core. Unknown uniform On Ladoga, Ingria and Estonia 1701-04. Disbanded 1706.
51 1700: I. Tirtov
1702: T. Gundertrmark
Raised 1700 in Kazan with soldiers from Bordovik's regiment as core. Unknown uniform Erastfer 1701, naval infantry on Peipus 1701-02. Disbanded 1703.
52 1701: O. Bulgakov
1706: K. Nekludov
Raised 1701 in Belgorod from Bulgakov's old streltsy unit. Probably streltsy uniform Garrison unit 1701-03, Apraxin's campaign 1703, Reval 1710. Disbanded 1712.
53 N. Cunningham Raised 1702/03 Unknown uniform In Poland and Saxony 1704-05, in Astrakhan 1706, garrison in Kazan 1712-21.
54 A. Krivtsov (Krivtsovski) Raised 1703 in Moscow through conscription. Unknown uniform In Kiev 1703, Poland until 1707, land militia unit in Ukraine 1713.
55 1703: F. Loshakov
1703/04: G. Titov
1704: S. von Fichtenheim
1709: Jurlov
Raised 1703 in Moscow by volunteers. Unknown uniform Narva 1704, Kolkanpää 1708, garrison in Poltava 1709, Reval and Viborg 1710, garrison in Narva and Saint Petersburg 1710-12. Disbanded 1712.
56 1704: M. Nekludov
1711: Neelov
Raised 1704 in Dorpat with personnel from all military branches in Pskov's military district. 1709/12: grey coat? Narva 1704, Oposhnaya 1709, Poltava 1709, Reval 1710, Viborg 1710. "Viborg Garrison Regiment" 1712
57 1704: A. Karr
1704: I. Hamilton
1708: Biltz
Raised 1704 in Moscow by volunteers and conscripts from Siberia. Unknown uniform Retusaari 1705, garrison in Saint Petersburg 1706. Disbanded 1712.
58 1704: V. Zaborovski
1710: S. Kozodavlev
1711: M. Chemesov
Raised 1704 in Moscow with volunteers and conscripts from Siberia. Unknown uniform Garrison in Saint Petersburg 1705, Kolkanpää 1708, Viborg 1710. Disbanded 1712.
59 Schnewenz 1708 Hat, green coat, brown breeches. Only Angus Konstam mention this regiment.


1708   Only Angus Konstam mention this regiment.
61 Fraser 1708   Only Angus Konstam mention this regiment.
62 Schmidt 1708 Hat, dark green coat, brown breeches. Only Angus Konstam mention this regiment.
63 Zotov (Zotoff)   1709: feuille-morte coloured coat with blue cuffs. Governor's Regiment in Narva (?)

Russian Auxiliary Corps to Saxony

According to Höglund/Bespalov this auxiliary corps included 17 regiments which consisted of more than 10,600 men plus officers. Vlad Velikanov's blog Oderint dum probent have however conflicting information and states a strength for the corps of 11 regiments which together with a corps staff consisted of 9,852 men. In any case this original force would be reorganised during its stay in Saxony 1705 to just 8 regiments consisting of 6,300 men. This force was largely annihilated in the battle of Fraustadt and the survivors created Rentzel's Regiment (also called the Saxon Regiment) which is recorded above.

Only Höglund/Bespalov have uniform data for these regiments. Two combinations were worn by more than one regiment and it is these that are illustrated in the two images here. They are referred to has uniform A and uniform B in the table below.

When the corps was reorganised to eight regiments in 1705 (called: Schöpping, Belling, Patkul, Holstein, Bilits, Gulitz and Arnstedt as well as streltsies commanded by Cadeus), they were also issued new uniforms. The sources  have conflicting information about them. The coats were either white, green or both. In any case these uniforms were turned inside out in the battle of Fraustadt so that the red lining would make them look like Saxons.

  Colonel History Uniform Höglund/ Bespalov Vlad Velikanov
64 1700: Zacharias Crow
1701: Denis Bils (Biltz)
  Uniform A 800 men 956 men
65 1700: Peter von Bukovin
(von Buxhövden)
1703: P. Livingston
(Leviston, Lewison)
Raised 1700 in Kazan through conscription.
Nöteborg 1702, Fraustadt 1706.
Hat, green coat with pewter buttons, red cuffs and lining, white vest, leather breeches, green stockings. 310 men 979 men

A. Romanovski

Raised 1700 in Kazan.
Düna 1701, Nöteborg 1702, Nyenskans 1703, Fraustadt 1706.
Hat, green coat with brass buttons, red cuffs and lining, white vest, white breeches, blue stockings. 696 men 895 men
67 Kanishev Raised 1700 in Sevsk from streltsies, volunteers and old soldiers (garrison in Sevsk 1700-03). Uniform B 1000 men  
68 I. Nelidov Same as Kanishev above, disbanded 1711 (raised in Sevsk autumn of 1703 according to Vlad Velikanov). Hat, green coat with pewter buttons, white cuffs and lining, leather vest, white breeches, red stockings. 1000 men 865 men
69 E. Goltz (Gulits) Same as Kanishev above (raised in Sevsk autumn of 1703 according to Vlad Velikanov). Uniform B 400 men 937 men
70 Duke of Holstein-Plön (commander: G. Erholni) Raised 1703 in Moscow by volunteers and conscripts. (raised in Sevsk autumn of 1703 according to Vlad Velikanov).
Poland 1703-07, Fraustadt 1706, garrison in Kiev 1711-18.
Uniform A 800 men 985 men
71 1703: E. von Delden
 (= Vlad Velikanovs "Herman Deldin"?)
1706: L. Hallart
Raised 1703 in Moscow by volunteers and conscripts.
Garrison in Kiev 1703, Warsaw 1704, Fraustadt 1706, garrison in Voronesh and suppressed Cossack rebellion 1708, Pomerania 1711-12.
Uniform A 700 men 919 men
72 Belikov (Belling) Raised 1703, otherwise the same as Kanishev above. Hat, green coat with pewter buttons, red cuffs and lining, leather vest, leather breeches and red stockings. 400 men  
73 Kro (= Vlad Velikanovs "Krikowskiy" which was raised during the winter 1703-04 in Moscow?) Uniform A 800 men 942 men
74 Polentz Uniform A 800 men  
75 Sytin Uniform A 350 men  
76 von Patkul (commander: Rentzel) Uniform A 1000 men  
77 Buturlin (= Vlad Velikanovs "Baturyn" which was newly raised?) Uniform A 300 men 972 men
78 Dedyt   Hat, green coat with brass buttons, red cuffs and lining, white vest, white breeches, red-grey-striped stockings. 300 men  
* Danilov Streltsy regiment from Sevsk. (was according to Vlad Velikanov a regular infantry regiment which had been raised in Sevsk autumn of 1703). Red cap trimmed with fur, red coat with brass buttons, green lining, leather vest, leather breeches, boots. 500 men 910 men
* Kahovski
 (= Vlad Velikanovs "Kakhowskiy"?)
Streltsy regiment from Smolensk Green cap trimmed with fur, green coat with brass buttons and red lining, leather vest, leather breeches, boots. 500 men 438 men

65. Levistons

66. Romanovski

68. Nelidov

72. Belikov

78. Dedyt



Read also about Russian cavalry uniforms.


Höglund, Lars-Eric – Sallnäs, Åke – Bespalov, Alexander. Stora nordiska kriget 1700-1721, III. Karlstad (2004)
Konstam, Angus. Peter the Great's army (1-2). London (1993)
Megorsky, Boris. The Russian Army in the Great Northern War 1700-21. Warwick (2018)